Start Accepting Payments Online
Please complete this form in full, determining whether we can help you obtain a credit card merchant account. If your pre-check is approved, you will be informed about the next steps. Please be informed that the AllSecure and our parter banks will also use your answers to calculate the best possible rates for your business model. There are no charges or future obligation if you fill out this form. However, we will do our best to provide you with the optimal solution. If you require any assistance with filling of the form contact us via sales[at]
Established in 2001. AllSecure became a global Payment Service Provider dedicated to providing tailor-made online payment solutions that solve issues and suite the requirements of its clients. Our PCI DSS Level 1 payment gateway processes in multiple market and currencies through single platform in a smart and cost-effective way. The aim is to optimize the clients’ payment solutions using the best gateway technologies, world class acquires along with our in-depth payment knowledge and professional services.
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