When talking about the secure payments, let us not forget what a tremendous energy was invested into the market education during the past 10-15 years. I’m sure you will remember how many times we were repeating the same set of
Even if the European Banking Authority has granted regulators in individual European countries a longer transition period, the EU’s Payment Services Directive (PSD) will shortly be replaced by PSD2 (effective: 14 September 2019), ensuring Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for credit
3-D Secure (3DS) 2.0 is coming! This new version of the 3DS authentication protocol will shortly be available, and includes several key changes to the handling of eCommerce and mobile payments. 3-D Secure 2.0 is expected to be available on
The AllSecure Payment Gateway, an essential part of our eCommerce solution, features a number of integral risk checks, providing a powerful and convenient safeguard for domestic and cross-border transactions. A major challenge for fraud prevention is maintaining strong defenses without